Cattle Auctions On The Internet

Cattle auctions on the Internet open up sales to a larger audience, without diminishing the integrity of the sale in any way. When used properly, the Web can increase your sale attendance and build your customer base. This technology has proved beneficial for numerous seedstock and commercial sales in the past five years. With the cost of travel and the acceptance of online viewing and bidding cattle auctions broadcasted over the Internet have become well accepted in the cattle industry. Whether buying or selling it is a great option provided by several dependable firms today. High speed Internet is recommended for online bidding to avoid any potential delay.

The Internet can be used to expose cattle to a larger audience of prospective buyers utilizing these established methods:

  • Email Broadcast advertising promotions of cattle sales reaching commercial cattle producers, seedstock breeders and junior exhibitors
  • Online Catalogs that provide detailed information on the sale offering
  • Live auctions providing real-time viewing with full catalog information
  • Private-treaty sales in which the buyer and seller deal directly with one another, but the cattle's details are disseminated over the Internet
  • Video auctions, which allow for viewing and bidding on cattle while watching pre-recorded streaming video
  • eBay-type private treaty bidding of commercial and breeding cattle

Maximize Your Time with Cattle Auctions on the Internet

With a video or online auctions, buyers actually see cattle selling and they can place bids online or via telephone. These type sales can be viewed from on your computer from any location that has Internet access. Many times pre-recorded videos are available for preview purposes of the sale offering prior to the actual sale. Sellers have the opportunity to reach customers who were unable to travel to the auction site. Buyers can benefit from the ease of making purchases and not having to leave their ranch, farm, office or home location.

To find out when online auctions take place or promote your own, view the sale calendar or subscribe to the email broadcasts deployed by Cattle Mail USA. Use the Internet to your advantage and subscribe to receive email notices of upcoming auctions at Call us now at 877-505-0914 or email us at for more information or assistance.